Grid Properties


Grid properties


Ajax, or asynchronous Javascript and XML, allows data to be sent and received from a server behind the scenes and at differing rates while a user is viewing a page.

Layout Options

The Grid layouts presented in the Component Type page include Tabular, Form(Columnar), and Stacked Columnar) grids. As each of these types creates different grids, selecting one or another will ultimately alter what you see in your Layout Options when you come to the properties page.


Customization allows you add additional features to your grid. Here you can define how you want error messages to appear and choose if you want a number to display how many records are in a section of your grid.

Master Template

A master layout template allows you to quickly adjust the layout of the various pieces of the Grid component (i.e. Search Part, Grid Part and Detail View Part). If you don't use a master layout template, then you have to arrange the layout of the Grid parts in the .a5w page that contains the component.

Shading and Dividers

Properties for adding alternating colors to Grid rows or columns as well as line separators and conditional row styling.

Row Labels

The row labels section contains propeties for showing row labels and suppressing repeated row labels.

Column Titles, Sorting, and Scrolling Options

Some useful properties for manipulating column titles and widths.

Record Navigator and Grid Toolbar

The Record Navigator lets you design how users to move through the records shown in your application. It also lets you change the appearance of the navigation part of your grid. If you want your record navigator to take the form of a tree-control there is a section in the properties for this here. Included in the Record Navigator properties is the Help Window property. This will allow you to build Help for your application, check out this page to see more information on building a Help system.

Quick Search

Quick Search allows you to create a search inside of your grid. This feature is different from the Search part that you create on the Component Type page by clicking Grid contains a 'Search' part. Because the Quick Search is part of the grid, its properties are defined here as well. Selecting the Has Quick Search property adds a single search control to your grid part. If you want to add a control at the top of each field in your grid, check out the Query by Example properties. If you include a Search Part in addition to a Quick Search, then the Search Part will perform searches within the subset of records selected by the Quick Search.

Advanced Search

Advanced Search can be used to create a custom search interface for searching the Grid. Search fields are added on-demand with options to customize the of control -- e.g. textbox, dropdown list, radio buttons, date range, etc -- shown to the user. Searches can also be saved and loaded by enabling the application Repository in the Web Project Properties.

Linked Grids and Content

When you are designing a grid, you can embed a 'Linked Grid' object or objects inside the grid part just as you would any other object (such as Tabs, Images, Frames, etc..).

Tree-control Record Navigator

The record navigator is how users of your application will move through records. The tree-control Record Navigator properties allow you to design your record navigator to take the form of a tree control. To build a Record Navigator using numbered pages visit the Record Navigator/Grid Toolbar section of Grid Properties.

Alternate Views

The Alternate Views properties section opens up many options for incorporating alternate views into a grid. Alternate Views allow you to add google maps, custom views, and charts to a grid that can dynamically interact with the grid's fields or data source.

Action Buttons

Action Buttons Properties

Group Breaks

When a Grid is rendered it can be useful to break the Grid up into logical sections by inserting Group Breaks with group headers and/or footers into the Grid. If you had a number of customers across the US that you wanted to visually group by state, for example, a group break could help you create state headers within your grid. This section contains all the properties that allow you to define group breaks for different grids.

Multiple Named Layouts

Alpha Anywhere allows you to define multiple named grid layouts. A named grid layout defines a way of arranging and displaying the data in a grid. When you run a default layout it might show a grid with 10 columns. However when the Grid is displayed on a mobile device you might want a single layout column showing multiple fields. Defining separate named layouts is the way you can go about adding this functionality to your app.

Row Expander

Once your grid separated into different groups, you might want to add the ability to expand and contract those groups. This might allow users to move through the records in your grid in your more quickly and can free up space on the screen. This section allows you to design the Row Expander in your grid and how you want it to look and operate.

Query by-Example Row

Query-by-Example Row is a search feature that lets you search individual columns.

Alphabet Buttons and Custom Buttons Search

The 'Alphabet Buttons/Custom Buttons' Search feature creates an alphabet that users can utilize in searching for records alphabetically within a given field. For example, if you specify that your Alphabet buttons should search on the lastname field, when you click on the 'B' button, all records with lastnames that start with 'B' are shown. This section contains all of the properties that can be used to shape this search feature.

Summary value options

Settings for configuring the display of the summary value section in the Grid.

Freeform Edit Regions

Freeform Edit Regions give you the ability to place arbitrary HTML above, below, to the left, or to the right of your grid.


Available properties for configuring the model used for Security in the Grid Component


This section contains a variety of useful features that you might want to add to your grid. Some of these features, like Search highlighting, are included here because they can be used in conjunction with multiple things in properties. The Miscellaneous section contains a number of time and date properties that you can add to your grid. It also has some language features. If you want to see how to use Date Picker properties to build a Date Picker for your grid or UX component read this page.

CSS/SVG Properties

The Grid Component can include custom CSS styles and SVG definitions.

Javascript Row Events

You can set JavaScript events in the JavaScript - Row Events properties section on the Grid Properties page. You can also set events using the JavaScript section of the Field Properties list on the Fields page.

Javascript System Events

The Grid Object contains a very rich system of client-side events that you can use to customize the Grid behavior.

Javascript Other

Function declarations, linked files, and watch events.

Javascript Actions

Javascript Actions enable you to call Action Javascript anywhere you can use JavaScript in the Grid Component.


Advanced Properties